Agencia Marítima Robinson SACFEI is the mother company and a shipping agency attending to all maritime activities, offering port service and assistance to the vessels calling ports throughout Argentina and Uruguay.
Our vision is to be a leading company, building strong relationships with our employees and customers, based on our values: commitment, professionalism, integrity and fl exibility. The main activities of the agency are:
* Agents for liner vessels
* Agents for tramp vessels and cruises * Container Operators
* Logistics operators
* Land transportation
* Dry dock vessel repairs
* Loading and unloading of vessels cargo operation
* Cargo storage in fi scal and non-fiscal depos

“Our Quality Policy is to provide our clients logistics solutions for the safe transport of their cargo offering professional assistance and competitive prices. We measure their satisfaction to continuously improve our processes, complying with all the requirements of the Quality Management System”

Arias 1639, 18º (C1429DWA)
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Argentina
PH: (+54 11) 5222 0700
info@robinsongroup.com.ar l www.robinsongroup.com.ar

Agencia Marítima Robinson is certified with the ISO 9001: 2015 issued by Det Norske Veritas Certification FONSABA QUALITY STANDARD, and is an active member of the “Centro de Navegación de Argentina” and all operations are insured by the ITIC (International Transport Intermediaries Club Ltd)